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Half Shell Scallop 半壳带子(1kg)

RM 39.00
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Product Description:

  • Imported from China. Commonly used in Chinese and Japanese restaurant. 中国进口,广泛用于中式和日式餐厅。
  • Approximately 6 to 7 pieces) 每包大约有6到7粒)
  • Size is approximately 10cm to 12cm

Nutritional Information:

  • Rich in vitamin B12 and phosphorus to support brain cells function and cognitive
    development. Phosphorus helps to regulate hormone balance in the body which play a vital role in physical and mental health. 富含维他命B12,磷以加强脑细胞功能和认知。
  • Collagen protein in scallops helps to prevent injuries, promote bones health and hair
    growth. 带子的胶原蛋白可以加快伤口复合,促进骨骼健康和生发。

Best For:

  • Steam and oven-bake 适合蒸和烤箱烤
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