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Japanese Hamachi Belly Sashimi 鰤魚 (100g)

RM 48.00
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Delivery Information:

  • Delivery from Monday to Sunday (12pm - 6pm). Kindly contact us via WhatsApp / email to request for specific date and time (Preorder basis). 输送时间都是星期一到日,隔日输送。请whatsapp通知我们如果需要在特定的日期和时间内输送。
  • Pick up location: GMBB KL (11am - 6pm). Kindly WhatsApp us to arrange timing. 
  • Complementary soy sauce & wasabi provided.
  • Kindly place order at least 24 hours / 1 days in advance. 

Product Description:

  • Imported from Japan. 日本进口
  • Sashimi grade, commonly used by the hotels and fine-dining restaurants for Western and Japanese cuisine. 上等生鱼片等级,高级酒店和餐厅内常用等级。
  • Approximately 120g+- for hamachi sashimi. 每盒新鲜刺身鰤魚鱼重量大约120克
  • Sauce and Wasabi provided. 

Nutritional Information:

  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin A and D to protect the eyes, improve immune
    system, lower blood pressure and "unhealthy" cholesterol levels in the blood to reduce the risk of heart diseases。 富含omega-3脂肪酸,维他命AD以保护眼睛,提高免疫力,降低血压和胆固醇可以减低心脏病的风险。
  • High in lean protein which reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. 富含蛋白质,可以降低糖尿和心脏病的风险
  • Filled with omega-3 fatty acid, B6, vitamin B12, and selenium to improve brain function and neurological health. 含有omega-3脂肪酸,B6,维他命B12和硒可促进头脑运作和神经系统健康。

Best Combination:

  • Dip with wasabi and japanese soy sauce to taste the freshness of our salmon sashimi. 需配日本芥末和酱油来品尝刺身本身的新鲜肉质。


  • Recommended to eat on the same upon receiving. 建议当天收到后立即食用。
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