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Hokkigai Sashimi (8 slices)

RM 28.00
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Product Description:

  • Imported from Canada. 加拿大进口
  • 8 slices per box. 
  • Soy Sauce and wasabi provided

Nutritional Information:

  • Rich in vitamin B12 and phosphorus to support brain cells function and cognitive
    development. Phosphorus helps to regulate hormone balance in the body which play a vital role in physical and mental health. 富含维他命B12,磷以加强脑细胞功能和认知。
  • Collagen protein in scallops helps to prevent injuries, promote bones health and hair
    growth. 带子的胶原蛋白可以加快伤口复合,促进骨骼健康和生发。
  • Low in calories, high in protein. It provide 20g of protein for less than 100 calories per every 84g of scallops, which will aids in weight loss and increases metabolism. 低卡路里,富含蛋白质。可减轻体重和新陈代谢。

Best For:

  • Sashimi with soy sauce and fresh grated wasabi. 
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