
Norwegian Smoked Salmon 烟熏三文鱼 ( 200g-800g)

RM 39.00
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Product Description:

  • Wild catch and imported from Norway. 挪威进口。
  • Traditional way to smoke salmon. 用传统的方式来烟熏。
  • For 800g, will be split into 4 portions and vacuum packed for your convenience. 大约800克,将会分成4份。

Nutritional Information:

  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin A and D to protect the eyes, improve immune
    system, lower blood pressure and "unhealthy" cholesterol levels in the blood to reduce the risk of heart diseases. 富含omega-3脂肪酸,维他命AD以保护眼睛,提高免疫力,降低血压和胆固醇可以减低心脏病的风险。
  • Packed with weight loss boosting omega 3 EFAs. A balanced and sufficient intake of EFAs (essential fatty acids) help you burn body fat and giving you energy. 富含omega-3 EFA脂肪酸来燃烧身体的脂肪和吸取能量。
  • EFAs present in salmon encourages your skin to hold water, making it smooth, supple and youthful. Eating salmon as part of your regular diet will give you a radiant skin. EFAs能帮助皮肤保湿,柔软嫩滑和保持青春。
  • Filled with omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin B12 and selenium to improve brain function and neurological health. 含有omega-3脂肪酸,维他命B12和硒可促进头脑运作和神经系统健康。

Best For:

  • Defrost and get ready to enjoy your favourite sandwich combination 可以直接解冻来享用
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